For the second playthrough of, see.Playthrough 2 is a feature in that allows players who have completed the game's story-line to start the game over again with the same character on a more advanced mode. It is unlocked once is defeated on Playthrough 1 and can be accessed immediately by loading the character's game. The character retains all items and levels gained in Playthrough 1 and will face off against similarly higher level enemies in an otherwise identical story.
The enemy levels range from level 32 at the start, to level 50 by the end, enemies will similarly undergo level increases as well. Items will be encountered in higher level versions to match the enemies and general difficulty of Playthrough 2.
This is a repository for Community Mods made for the Borderlands series - BLCM/BLCMods. Skip to content. Create new file Find file History BLCMods / Borderlands 2 mods / apple1417 Merge pull request #1334 from apple1417/master. Good Month, thought 2 games lead to more of chance of getting a game you already have. Many would have these 2 below: Borderlands Handsome Collection, will get my hours worth from here. Sonic Mania, if any Sonic game should be on plus.
Mission rewards will also scale. Contents Playthrough 2 StructureThe structure of the missions in Playthrough 2 does not change. The player is forced to buy a shield and grenades despite having them from the first Playthrough. The maximum number of Weapon Equip Slot still remains at four equip slots; the missions that featured these as rewards in the first playthrough will offer different rewards in the second. Rewards for the missions will otherwise be enhanced quite noticeably with higher level items offered and in the case of the a number of appear as rewards instead of SDUs, though there is a small chance of obtaining a 'bonus' Backpack SDU during the first five rescue missions from the original game and two of the rescue missions found in the DLC's. Ammunition pickups are similarly upgraded, yielding double the amount of ammunition per item than in Playthrough 1.Post Playthrough 2 (Playthrough 2.5)When is first entered in Playthrough 2, all enemies throughout Pandora will see their level increased to 48-52.
Items will likewise be encountered at maximum levels, with the vast majority being level 48. This setting is frequently referred to by the player community as ' Playthrough 2.5' or ' Playthrough 2+'. The goal of this world modification is to allow players to fight balanced enemies anywhere.Playthrough 2.5 is unlocked as soon as the mission completes upon entering the Vault. Killing the Destroyer, or leaving it alone, has no effect on this global difficulty change.MissionsNo new missions are available at this point, but unfinished missions can still be started or completed. The quality of mission rewards are not actually increased compared to classic Playthrough 2, but the higher level enemies can lead to better mission-specific loot.
It is a unique chance to encounter higher level unique enemies, or high quality chests. Some missions can be useful to retain for better loot in post Playthrough 2, such as:.: For 's.: For.: For the.: For.: For the one-time only Red Chest reward.Patch 1.4.0+The higher level cap provided by The Secret Armory of General Knoxx 'broke' Playthrough 2.5 in the sense that enemy levels (48-52) were no longer matched with that of the players' (61). The planned further increased this level cap by +8 levels. Changed Playthrough 2.5 by making all enemies scale to the character's level.
For example, a level 64 character will encounter level 62-66 monsters throughout Pandora.Enemy NamesFor the second Playthrough, the names of all the enemy types are changed. The new enemies are more difficult but otherwise unchanged - for example, become Brutes, but their behavior remains the same. In addition, the description 'Badass' is replaced by 'BadMutha,' and enemies with this description are considerably more powerful than the Badasses of Playthrough 1. Reaching the end of Playthrough 2 again changes all the names, including changing 'BadMutha' to 'SuperBad'.Notes. Badass Skags are called AssKicking Skags in Playthrough 2.5. None of the DLC enemies, such as (all variations, including species), DLC3, and receive a name change.Headstone MinePlaythrough 1.Playthrough 2.Playthrough 2.5.
Borderlands 2 New Game Plus Pc
Yesterday during Microsoft’s E3, Gearbox dropped the reveal that not only was the Handsome Collection now on Xbox Game Pass, but that they had come out with for Borderlands 2, a seven year old game, that was out for free now. This was leaked a little while ago but it seemed so goofy that I didn’t believe it. Yet here I am, having just playing it for about three hours, and it serves as a seemingly necessary narrative bridge into Borderlands 3, out this fall.If you’re like me and worried that since you don’t own or haven’t played the Handsome Collection, that this isn’t for you, that isn’t the case. From the home screen of Borderlands 2 (after getting the Handsome Collection from Game Pass or PS Plus), you can go into character management, create a level 30 character in any class, and then jump straight into Commander Lilith and the Fight for Sanctuary, the new DLC, without doing anything else. Do not start a totally new game like I did, that’s not how you do it, it’s just through the main menu.The DLC runs maybe a bit under 3 hours, depending on how many times the final boss kills, you and it’s probably closer to four, if you do all the sidequests which so far, I have skipped.Sanctuary is under attack by a mutant plant army that infects soldiers and psychos alike. They don’t do anything all that much different than normal enemies except glow green, but it’s the plot device to move this forward, as the infected commander steals both your treasured vault key from the end of last game, and the flying city of Sanctuary itself.What I was most impressed about with this DLC was not necessarily the gameplay, as it’s only just a few zones that aren’t anything to write home about, and gunplay feels very clunky after playing BL3 now, but the fact that they got really the entire cast back together for voicework here.
Lilith, Mordecai, Brick, Tannis, Ellie, Moxxi, Marcus and a few more where I guess I won’t ruin the surprise. I won’t go into the plot much, but this is yet further proof that in addition to this, you really need to play Tales from the Borderlands before Borderlands 3, as this DLC alone has two characters from that game, and hinges on a number of its plot points. Seriously, don’t sleep on that.As for the loot? As I said, I was playing this as a stock level 30 Siren and I only got to level 33 by the end.
In that time, I got maybe four epic weapons, one legendary grenade and two of the new “rainbow” weapons that sparkle and aregood? I’m not really sure where that rarity tier falls on the grand scheme of things in BL2. I am hearing from BL veterans that you can get solid loot from the bosses of this DLC even at max level, so it’s worth checking out regardless of how much time you’ve put in.It’s perhaps not the most gripping Borderlands tale out there, but it does fill in the blank of what happened to Sanctuary from Borderlands 2 and why we’re in space during the next game.
Again, you need to play Tales from the Borderlands to get a full story picture going forward, but also this too, it seems, which has more to do with BL3 than any of the other DLCs before it.A weird experiment form Gearbox here, but I’ll never say no to more Borderlands.Follow me, and. Read my new sci-fi thriller novel, available now in print and online. I also wrote.